Monday, April 6, 2009

Critically engaging and thinking bigger

You have likely noticed that my posted attempts have not exactly been daily as intended. I am learning as I go and I have learned a couple important things so far:
1. This should not be a chore, it should be an exciting and worthwhile use of time. I made a bold commitment to try to shift myself more towards a bias of doing because I found that I was thinking a lot and not doing a lot. Nothing against thinking, I love to think, I just thought my balance was off.

2. Attempts that can be made daily are going to be limited in terms of depth, and potentially impact. I do want to daily attempt to make the world better, but some attempts might require a more time to come to fruition, but they may be very worthwhile still.

These two learnings will hopefully allow me to diversify my attempts and to be a bit more ambitious and deep in my attempts at a better world. Some will be quick still because sometimes quick, easy opportunities present themselves. Others will be multi stage actions requiring a lot of uninteresting back end work before the action takes place, or follow up in order to bring it to fruition. Like contacting the senate committees.

My attempt for today was along these lines. I will be in Ottawa in a little while and would like to take advantage of the opportunity for a personalized attempt at a better world. So today I contacted some people who I think are smart to try and plan a solid attempt for that day. So far I am just asking questions on the relative importance of a few issues. Stay tuned for coming stages:)

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