Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have always been impressed by the amount of courage and determination it must take to be a newcomer to Canada. I know life here is generally pretty good but for newcomers it is often cold, lonely, confusing, challenging, frustrating and even boring. One of the big bottlenecks to new immigrants making the life they want is language. If you have ever tried to learn a new language you know it takes a lot of time, energy and bravery. I have tried to learn three second languages and still have them all on my 'to do' list. New immigrants to Canada often take English Second Language (ESL) courses where they are often learning their 3rd or 4th or 5th!

My attempt at a better world for today is my weekly (almost) couple hours of tutor time in an entry level ESL / literacy course. This is for people, often refugees, who are very new to English and often weren't literate in their first language. The class is paired with a daycare service to cater to people with young children and it is put on by the Halifax Immigrant Learning Center (HILC). It is my weekly dose of cultural diversity, time with kids, and humility. All things that are often lacking in my life, and I dare say, in the life of most young middle class adults in Canada.

It reminds me that literacy does not mean intelligence (or vice versa), rather it usually means a lack of previous opportunity. It also reminds me of how hard people are trying to become contributing members of society and that supporting these people is a benefit to everyone. In my opinion anyway :)

English and education are gifts most Canadians have, that are free (or often benefit you) to share. Consider it. And give feedback.

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