Thursday, March 5, 2009

Romeo Dallaire's Challenge

I just finished listening to Senator and fomer General Romeo Dallaire berade a thousand people at Dalhousie university to take action now to lead and challenge Canada and Canadians to change the world. I have meant to create a blog for a while and had some elaborate plans in the back of my mind, but enough is enough - it is time for action.

some messages:

Change is no longer incremental and evolutionary. There are no more security blankets. Change is happening, its revolutionary, its pervasive- so don't just survive it, embrace it and lead it.

Young people are 30% of Canadian voters, but only 15% of them vote. We have a voice, we have the balance of power - SPEAK UP!

Canada is a great middle power - we have the ability and responsibility to change the world. We have been well managed but not well led. We are reactive and short term, especially those in power. It is long past time to start shaping the future and leading the world into it.

Attempt # 1
so without further ado, here is attempt number 1 at a better world. Please give me your feedback on how to be more effective tomorrow.


bcc- some key family and friends

subject: Please explain our new overseas development assistance priorities and how they will reduce poverty

Hello, I am a young engineer from Lashburn, Saskatchewan who is a proud Canadian and works hard to be a responsible and engaged global citizen.

I recently learned of Canada's decision to change our list of priority countries for development assistance. I am curious to know what reasoning was used in this change and how it meets the requirements of Bill C-293 that I signed a petition for which is supposed to prioritize poverty reduction above all other motivation for ODA spending.

I am also disappointed to read the following article about how some of our previous partner countries were informed of the change at the last minute rather than being engaged in a process which has a huge impact on their citizens.

If this article is accurate then I am ashamed for the disrespect and indignity with which we have treated these countries whom we have worked in partnership with for so long.

Canada has the ability and responsibility to make the world a better place and effective development assistance is an important pillar of this responsibility.

Can you please tell me:
How did we choose the new ODA focus countries?
How will this increase the effectiveness of our aid in reducing poverty?
How where our previous partner countries engaged in this process?
Why are we still so far off of our pledge to give 0.7% of GNP to ODA, when Lester B Pearson on behalf of Canada is the one that initiated this pledge and convinced the world to commit to it so long ago?

I look forward to your response and to seeing Canada take a leadership role in working towards a more just, prosperous, and sustainable goobal society.

-- Justin Wheler
S0M 1H0

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